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Instead of fitting your braces one tooth at a time, the Harmony system allows Dr. Calkins to create your entire set of braces at once.

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Unlike traditional bonding, where braces are attached to the teeth one at a time, the HARMONY System uses an advanced tray system for delivering the entire set of braces.
The advantage of this unique bonding method is a reduction in chair time for you and, for Dr. Calkins, the assurance that the braces are placed in their ideal position, which will determine the position of your teeth at the end of your treatment.The process of creating your naturally beautiful smile with the Harmony System begins with a highly accurate 3D image of your teeth. Then the HARMONY Technical Center generates digitally customized bracket pads and robotically formed arch wires. This advanced process enables Dr. Calkins to provide you with a treatment solution unique to your individual needs.

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Patient Experience

Guiding Growth, Preventing Problems

Our unique approach transforms orthodontics from correction to prevention.