dental team in Reston, VA

Help Ensure a Safe Visit to Airway and Sleep Group

Patients that travelled or are planning on international travel must remain in quarantine regardless of vaccination status due to rise of newest Covid variant. Please inform the office immediately about travel and vaccination status. Strict Covid regulations remain in place please maintain use of facemask, wash hands prior to entering our office, maintain social distance, do not touch your mouth or saliva while at treatment, no food or drinks are allowed. Patient must complete Covid questionnaire.

In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, our office has adopted effective precautions to minimize risks to our patients and care team members.

We have limited our operating capacity to promote social distancing and require patients to wait until the time of their appointment before entering our office. Please carefully review our office  requirements to make sure your visit to Airway and Sleep Group is a safe:

  • Submit a complete COVID-19 questionnaire form one day prior to every appointment. Any other patient forms will also need to be submitted by email before your visit.
  • Bring a face mask to wear throughout your time at our office, we are not in capacity to provide individual face masks.
  • Please bring a pen to use for any documents or signatures.
  • Dispose of any food or drinks before entering the office.
  • When you enter the office, please use the hand sanitizer we’ve provided in our lobby. Wash your hands in restrooms next to our office
  • Since we cannot accommodate additional visitors, any guests or family members that accompany you will need to wait outside during your appointment.
  • Compete temperature check, if approved your appointment will be kept. If above 99.0 degrees Fahrenheit, you will be rescheduled.
  • If you are feeling sick, please do not come to the office
  • Herby you are weaving any associated potential infection with COVID-19 due to your visit to our office. COVID-19 is highly transmittable, and variants are spreading fast, it is at your own risk to visit the facility.
  • Please if you have traveled, regardless of destination, keep 10 days in quarantine or 14 days if you present symptoms after your trip.

In addition to a socially-distanced office visit, you can also schedule an online virtual consultation for advice and treatment without face-to-face interaction.

For more information on these and other safety measures, please visit our page on COVID-19 Office Procedures to prepare for your appointment at Airway and Sleep Group. Our team cares deeply for the health of our community and strives to guarantee quality care remains available through this difficult time.

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Guiding Growth, Preventing Problems

Our unique approach transforms orthodontics from correction to prevention.