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Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) poses significant challenges to those affected, altering their sleep patterns and impacting their health and well-being. Most patients with OSA experience symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime fatigue, and impaired cognitive function due to interrupted breathing during sleep. Seeking relief from OSA symptoms, afflicted individuals are constantly exploring innovative technologies that promise to alleviate their condition. Among these solutions, eXciteOSA® has become a promising option. eXciteOSA® utilizes neuromuscular stimulation to target the root cause of obstructive sleep apnea, offering a daytime alternative to traditional nocturnal treatments like continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Let’s take a look at the effectiveness of eXciteOSA® in reducing OSA symptoms, which has garnered attention within the medical community and among patients.

woman covering her ears because her partner is snoring

What Causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

While multiple factors contribute to the development of OSA, reduced tongue muscle endurance stands out as a significant symptom exacerbating the condition. The tongue is one of the muscles that maintains airway patency during sleep by supporting the soft tissues of the throat. However, in individuals with OSA, the tongue muscles weaken over time, leading to increased collapse of the upper airway during sleep. This collapse results in episodes of apnea or hypopnea, where breathing temporarily stops or becomes shallow. Common causes contributing to reduced tongue muscle endurance in OSA patients include the following:

  • Obesity
  • Anatomical abnormalities, such as enlarged tonsils or a narrow airway
  • Aging
  • Lifestyle factors like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

What is eXciteOSA®?

eXciteOSA® is an FDA-authorized prescription medical device that addresses obstructive sleep apnea through neuromuscular electrical stimulation, specifically targeting tongue muscles to enhance their endurance and function. Comprised of four key components, the device offers a comprehensive approach to therapy. The control unit, suitable for multi-patient use, serves as the central hub for delivering therapy. It pairs with a washable mouthpiece, intended for single-patient use, which facilitates tongue stimulation. Additionally, a smartphone app, connected to the control unit via Bluetooth, allows users to initiate therapy sessions and adjust intensity levels as needed. A physician portal also enables remote monitoring and long-term patient management, enhancing the efficacy and convenience of treatment. eXciteOSA® therapy involves daily sessions over a six-week period to retrain tongue and upper airway muscles. Following this initial phase, therapy frequency can be reduced to at least twice a week for long-term maintenance.

How Does eXciteOSA® Work?

Research indicates that the neuromuscular electrical stimulation from eXciteOSA® promotes a shift from fast-twitch to slow-twitch muscle fiber composition.  Fast-twitch muscle fibers are primarily utilized for short bursts of intense activity, such as rapid movements or exertion. In contrast, slow-twitch muscle fibers are more suited for prolonged, endurance-based activities. In the context of OSA, the muscles responsible for maintaining the upper airway during sleep need to sustain their function over extended periods to prevent airway collapse. However, individuals with OSA often exhibit weakened muscle endurance, contributing to airway obstruction and breathing difficulties during sleep. The shift induced by eXciteOSA® toward a greater proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers means that the treated muscles become better equipped for prolonged activity, enabling them to sustain their function for longer periods. The enhanced endurance reduces the frequency and severity of breathing interruptions characteristic of OSA.  

Is eXciteOSA® Effective?

In a study involving 115 patients, the reduction in snoring levels was rigorously evaluated. Snoring, measured with a microphone equipped with a snore sensor placed on the patient's chest, revealed compelling results. Pre-therapy measurements were compared with post-therapy results, demonstrating that 90% of patients experienced a reduction in total time spent snoring above 40 decibels (dB). Feedback from patients' bed partners corroborated these findings, with 89% reporting a noticeable decrease in snoring levels following six weeks of eXciteOSA® therapy. A separate study involving 65 sleep apnea patients assessed objective improvements in OSA severity. Using a two-night home sleep test before and after therapy, significant reductions were observed in both the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) measures. Specifically, 78% of sleep apnea patients achieved a reduction in sleep apnea severity. These findings underscore the efficacy of eXciteOSA® in mitigating OSA symptoms, highlighting its potential to improve sleep quality for affected individuals.

couple sleeping soundly after sleep apnea treatment

Interested in Treating Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms with eXciteOSA®?

If you're seeking corrective solutions for obstructive sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, experts at Sunrise Orthodontics provide specialized treatment options. We can help you find out if you’re a suitable candidate for eXciteOSA®. And for those looking to learn more about sleep-related conditions, consider reaching out to Airway and Sleep Group. With their expertise in sleep medicine and patient-centered approach, they offer resources to help you better understand and manage your sleep health. Take the first step toward better sleep and improved quality of life by contacting Sunrise Orthodontics for corrective work and Airway and Sleep Group for insights into sleep disorders. Call today!

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