dental team in Reston, VA

Discussing Causes of Insomnia in Children


Insomnia, a condition in which people experience difficulty falling or staying asleep, affects not only adults but also an increasing number of children. Unfortunately, pediatric insomnia results in issues like attention difficulties and aggressive or disruptive behavior.Parents and caregivers who a

Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Sleep Position


There’s nothing so rejuvenating than a good night’s sleep. However, for many suffering from sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), sleep may not be refreshing. But did you know that your sleep position can affect a good night’s sleep?

Tongue Stimulation Can Help Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring


Snoring can annoy a sleep partner, but it can also indicate a more serious health risk. It’s often associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Thankfully, technological advances, such as tongue stimulation, have led to treatments that are providing relief!

Best of Reston Awards in Reston, VA


The Airway and Sleep Group and Dr. Liliana Calkins of Reston, VA, were honored to be selected for the Best of Reston Award for two years in a row (2022 and 2023) in the Sleep Clinic category by the Reston Award Program.

Introducing iNAP® Sleep Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea


There’s a new patient-centered treatment to help anyone with mild to severe sleep apnea a patient-centered and user-friendly solution for comfortable, restful sleep: iNAP®.

Patient Experience

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Admit it. You think all orthodontic offices are the same. Most are. We aren’t. We believe your experience should be something special.