dental team in Reston, VA

What are the pros and cons of using a CPAP machine?


The detrimental side effects of sleep apnea drive people and their spouses to search for ways to get a good night’s sleep. But what if it comes down to wearing a CPAP machine?

Using Overnight Pulse Oximetry to Manage Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) during Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)


It is estimated that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects at least 25 million Americans.1 OSA occurs when a patient’s airway gets blocked during sleep. The benefits of physicians prescribing overnight pulse oximetry testing to pre-screen for OSA are well known.2 In addition, studies supporting the

High Cholesterol Raises Risks for People with Sleep Apnea


A study published in the Science Translational Medicine suggests that cholesterol, a common culprit in heart disease, plays a special role in raising risk for people with sleep apnea.

Resolving Issues Stemming from Improper Orthodontic Treatment


The combination of clear aligners and HFV or MOPs can resolve a variety of issues associated with previous botched orthodontic treatments by achieving maxillary growth and palatal expansion. These treatments have shown to be proven effective in treating temporomandibular disorders that may occur aft

How Can We Be Responsible to Our Planet?


Have you been at the beach or in a parking lot and noticed those Y-shaped green plastic pieces on the ground? Have you wondered what they are? Don’t get grossed out, but they are used flossers! Created as a convenience item for people to “floss on the go,” they often end up littering our shorelines,

Patient Experience

so what makes us different?

Admit it. You think all orthodontic offices are the same. Most are. We aren’t. We believe your experience should be something special.