Airway and Sleep Group uses Doppler Auscultation because it is an effective screening tool to diagnose TMJ Health and disorders. Doppler Auscultation allows Dr. Lillana Calkins to listen to a patient’s joints by using a stethoscope with a microphone that incorporates the Doppler wave effect. The sou
Magnetic Resonance 3D Imaging (MRI) helps orthodontists like Airway and Sleep Group predict changes in bony or soft tissues associated with treatment, over time. Orthodontic patients are generally children and are more susceptible to the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Airway and Sleep Group
Sleep disordered breathing refers to a spectrum of sleep-related breathing abnormalities that include snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome, obstructive hypopnea syndrome, and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Twenty-five million adults in the US suffer from Sleep Disordered Breathing and at times
Airway and Sleep Group employs the latest technologies in accelerated orthodontics using High-frequency vibration, or Micro-osteoperforation (MOPs). This advanced orthodontic technique meets patient demands for a shorter orthodontic treatment without sacrificing the quality care.
The Wilckodontics® system is an orthodontic procedure designed to move teeth very rapidly that considers individuals medullary bone state and tooth in gums positioning.
Admit it. You think all orthodontic offices are the same. Most are. We aren’t. We believe your experience should be something special.